Our lives have turned busy and stressful. Constant changes in professional roles, mobile boundaries, teleworking and short recovery times create insomnia, exhaustion and reluctance in us.

How to last out in present times 10.6. – 12.6.2022
For whom are mindfulness retreats organised?
Have you ever listened to what silence sounds like? You will be connected to the sounds of the sea, birds, wind and grass in the mindfulness retreats we organise.
The programmes aim to help trained professionals doing strenuous work recover from life situations, exhaustion and sleep difficulties. The retreats are designed to support resilience and well-being at work.
Social Dreaming
Retreats include a joint Social Dreaming event in the mornings. Creativity is the wealth and resource that the Social Dreaming method strives to develop. Through the rich and colourful associations and bridges of the dream, connections and links with other dreams are created to find new ideas.
Retreats are held on the island of Kökar in the holiday village of Skinnars.
Retreats of mindfulness are led by psychiatric instructors familiar with mindfulness for 3–4 days.
In the holiday village of Skinnars, each participant has their own room, shared meals and the opportunity for private discussions with the instructor and can experience Kökar’s vast nature (for example, in the form of a fishing trip).
Participants in the retreat will be interviewed prior to the retreat.